General Posting Policies


At Yuppieyo, we strive to keep the site as clean, nice, and user-friendly as possible. Ads that violate the posting standards outlined in our Terms and Conditions may be removed from the site.

You are fully responsible for any and all information you submit to Yuppieyo, as well as any consequences that may arise as a result of your post. We have the right to refuse or delete information that we believe is improper or violates our Terms & Conditions at our discretion. We also have the right to impose temporary or permanent restrictions on a user's use of the site, as well as to refuse a user's registration.


Before posting, please consider the following guidelines:

  • Yuppieyo's advertising must be uploaded by users who are at least 16 years old.
  • Advertisements that are malicious, defamatory, or slanderous are not accepted on the site.
  • Yuppieyo does not allow the sale of illegal goods or services.
  • Advertisements with adult, mature, or erotic material are not permitted.
  • No personals are permitted.
  • All advertisements must be placed in the proper category.
  • Only one item, job, or service should be advertised on the site at a time. Ads that are duplicates or spam are not permitted.
  • Each ad can only have one item in it. With the exception of home clearing advertising and job ads with multiple opportunities for the same role, numerous goods must be listed in separate ads.
  • Items for sale must contain a price in the advertisement.
  • URLs should be provided in the URL field rather than in the ad's description.
  • Members must fill in the correct fields in their advertising with their contact information. It is not permitted to provide these data in the ad description, images, or title.
  • It is not permitted to enter fictitious or invalid phone numbers. It is optional to include a phone number in your ad. Leave the field blank if you don't wish to include one.
  • It is not permitted to use keyword spamming (the use of a large number of irrelevant words in your ad) to manipulate search results.
  • Yuppieyo does not tolerate any form of prejudice.
  • Offensive language, hate speech, or profanity of any kind are not permitted.
  • On Yuppieyo, auction ads are not permitted.
  • The poster should remove sold items and any listings that are no longer available.
  • All products and services must be based in the United Kingdom.
  • Advertisements that state that the item cannot be inspected or picked up in person are not permitted.
  • Pre-order advertisements are not permitted. Before an item may be posted, it must first be in the seller's possession.
  • All advertisements must be written in English.

Web Beacons, Cookies, and Other Similar Technologies


We or our authorised service providers may use cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies to store information when you visit or interact with our sites, services, applications, tools, or messaging in order to provide you with a better, faster, and safer experience, as well as for advertising purposes.


This page is intended to educate you about these technologies and how we use them on our websites, as well as in our services, applications, and tools. An overview of some major points about our use of such technology is provided below. Our whole User Cookie Notice is available to read below.


Our cookies and related technologies serve many purposes. They are either required for the operation of our services, assist us in improving our performance, provide you with additional features, or assist us in serving you relevant and targeted advertisements. We utilise both session cookies and persistent cookies, which stay on your device for as long as you keep your browser open (session) and permanent cookies, which stay on your device for longer periods of time (persistent). If your device allows it, you can block, delete, or disable these technologies. Cookies and cookie choices can be managed in your browser or device settings.


Security precautions are in place to prevent unauthorised access to our cookies and similar technologies whenever possible. Only we and/or our approved service providers have access to cookie data thanks to a unique identifier.


Companies who assist us with various areas of our business, such as site operations, services, applications, advertisements, and tools, are known as service providers. We employ some third-party service providers to assist us in serving you relevant advertisements on our services and elsewhere on the internet. These service providers may also use our services to store cookies on your device (third party cookies). They may also gather information such as your IP address or other unique or device identifiers to help them identify your device.


Cookies, web beacons, and other related technologies are what they sound like.

We use technologies, which are essentially small data files placed on your computer, tablet, mobile phone, or other devices (collectively referred to as a "device") that allow us to record certain pieces of information whenever you visit or interact with our sites, services, applications, messaging, and tools, and to recognise you across devices, just like most other sites.


The names and types of cookies, web beacons, unique identifiers, and other similar technologies we use to collect information (for example, about the pages you view, the links you click, and other actions you take on our Services, within our advertising or e-mail content) may change from time to time. We have supplied the following limited terms and definitions to help you better understand this Policy and our use of such technologies:


Cookies are small text files that are stored in the memory of your browser or device when you visit a website or see a message. Cookies enable a website to identify a certain device or browser. Cookies come in a variety of shapes and sizes:

Session cookies are temporary cookies that allow us to link your actions within a browser session. They expire when you close your browser.

Between browser sessions, persistent cookies are retained on your device, allowing us to remember your preferences or actions across numerous sites.

The site you're viewing sets first-party cookies.

A third-party cookie is one that is set by a website other than the one you are viewing.

Most commercial browsers provide options that allow you to disable or delete cookies. Each browser's preferences must be adjusted independently, and different browsers provide varied functionality and options.

Web beacons are small graphic images (sometimes known as "pixel tags" or "clear GIFs") that may be used in conjunction with cookies to identify our users and their behaviour on our sites, services, applications, messages, and tools.

Similar technologies include flash cookies, HTML 5 cookies, and other web application software ways for storing information in your browser or device via local shared objects or local storage. These technologies work with all of your browsers, however they may not be fully managed by your browser in some cases, necessitating management through your installed programmes or device. These technologies are not used to store information in order to target advertising to you on or off our sites.

On our rules, we may refer to all technologies that we may employ to store data in your browser or device, collect information, or help us identify you in the manner specified above as "cookies" or "similar technologies."


Our use of cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies, as well as your choice

We provide certain site features, services, applications, and tools that can only be accessed with certain technologies. If your browser, installed application, or device allows it, you may always block, uninstall, or disable these technologies. If you reject cookies or other similar technologies, you might not be able to use certain site features, services, applications, or tools. During your surfing session, you may be forced to re-enter your password more frequently. Please check your browser or device settings for more information on how to prevent, delete, or disable these technologies.


These technologies, in general, allow our sites, services, applications, and tools to save relevant information in your browser or device and then read that information to identify you to our servers or internal systems. Where applicable, we protect our cookies and other similar technologies by assigning them a unique identifier that can only be interpreted by us and/or our approved service providers. Any of our cookies or other similar technologies do not save any of your personal information.


Any personal information we gather and maintain as a result of using these technologies is collected first through notice and consent: We gain your consent by giving you with a clear notice of the technologies' usage and, to the degree stated above, the option to disable them.


The following are the broad categories in which we employ such technologies:

Operationally required. Cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies may be used in order for our sites, services, applications, and tools to function properly. This includes technologies that allow you to access our sites, services, applications, and tools; that are required to identify irregular site behaviour, prevent fraudulent activity, and improve security; or that allow you to use our functions such as shopping carts, saved searches, or similar functions; and that are required to identify irregular site behaviour, prevent fraudulent activity, and improve security.

Linked to performance. We may use cookies, web beacons, or other similar technologies to evaluate the performance of our websites, applications, services, and tools, including as part of our analytic practises to help us understand how our visitors use our websites, determine if you have interacted with our messaging, determine whether you have viewed an item or link, or improve the content, applications, services, or tools;

Related to functionality. When you visit or use our sites, services, applications, or tools, we may use cookies, web beacons, or other similar technologies to provide you with enhanced functionality. This may involve recognising you when you sign into our sites or keeping track of your specified preferences, interests, or previous items seen in order to improve the presentation of material on our sites; Advertising or Targeting Related. On our sites and on third-party sites, we may use first-party or third-party cookies and web beacons to provide information, including adverts relevant to your interests. This involves utilising technology to determine the utility of adverts and content given to you, such as whether you have clicked on an advertisement.


Through our Ad Choice programme, you can choose to opt out of our use of first-party advertising-related cookies. To opt out of third-party advertising-related cookies and web beacons, see the section below entitled Ad Networks and Exchanges Authorized by Third-Parties. Opting out of our first-party advertising-related cookies, as well as third-party advertising-related cookies and web beacons as described below, does not mean you will not see our advertising; it just means that it will not be targeted to you using first-party or third-party cookies, web beacons, or other technologies.


You can opt out of all other sorts of technologies we use on our sites, services, applications, or tools by blocking, uninstalling, or disabling them according to your browser or device's capabilities.


Authorized third-party service providers' use of these technology

With our permission, we may collaborate with third-party firms, often known as service providers, who are authorised to place third-party cookies, web beacons, or similar technologies for the purpose of storing information on our sites or in our services, applications, and tools. These companies assist us in providing a better, faster, and safer experience for you.


These companies may use these technologies to assist us in delivering content and advertising, as well as compiling anonymous site stats and analytics. These service providers are bound by confidentiality agreements with us as well as other legal limits on the use and collecting of personal data. The privacy policies of third parties apply to third-party cookies.


Cookies and tracking technologies from our third-party service providers may be used. Facebook and Google are two service providers with whom we work:


Facebook: Through Facebook Pixel and by transmitting data directly to Facebook via our servers, we may transfer information about your use of our services, including additional personal data about you (as mentioned in detail in the advertisement settings). For users in the European Economic Area (EEA), 'Facebook' refers to Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland, and Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, for all other users.


These data transmissions allow us to show you personalised adverts on Facebook's platforms, as well as monitor and report on their performance. The Facebook Business Tools Terms ('Facebook Terms') describe the specific processing purposes as well as an explanation of the corresponding data privacy duties. For users in the European Economic Area (EEA), the following applies: To the extent that we are solely responsible for the processing of your personal data (including the transmission of such data to Facebook) in accordance with the Facebook Terms (i.e., when Facebook provides comparison, measurement, and analysis services to us), Facebook acts solely on our behalf under an applicable processing agreement (so called Data Processing Terms in addition to the Facebook EU Data Transfer Addendum). If we and Facebook share responsibility for the collection and transmission of your personal data to Facebook (i.e., specifically for the processing of data about your use of our services for the purposes of targeting our advertisements, improving and measuring their effectiveness), Facebook will process the data as an independently accountable party and assume sole responsibility.


We and Facebook have engaged into a Shared Responsibilities Agreement to establish joint responsibilities for the fulfilment of data privacy obligations related to shared processing. According to this agreement, Facebook is responsible for protecting the affected people' rights in relation to the personal data maintained by Facebook under the mutual agreement. It is our responsibility to deliver the aforementioned information to those who are affected. Additional information regarding Facebook's processing of personal data may be found in its Data Policy, which includes the legal foundation for Facebook's operations as well as alternatives for concerned individuals to exercise their rights against the company.


Google: We may send Google information about your use of our services, as well as extra personal data about you (as mentioned in the advertisement settings). For users in the European Economic Area (EEA), 'Google' refers to Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, and Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.


These data transmissions allow us to display personalised advertisements for you in our own online listings as well as third-party online listings via Google's advertising products and marketing platforms (Google advertising products, such as Google Ad Manager, Google Ads), measure their effectiveness, select and provide content, provide reports about such content, and gain insights into target groups and product developments. Additional information and an explanation of the data privacy duties can be found in the Google Ads Data Protection Terms and the Google Privacy Policy: Information about the service


We do not allow any third-party content on our sites (such as item listings, member-to-member communications, classified listings, comments, reviews, etc.) to include or use any cookies, web beacons, local storage, or similar technologies for tracking purposes or to collect your personal information for their own purposes, with the exception of our service providers or other authorised third-parties using such technologies. Please contact us at if you suspect a listing or other third-party material on one of our sites is collecting personal information or employing tracking technology.


Third-party-run ad networks and exchanges

To enable us to offer you advertisements, we may employ third parties such as advertising networks and exchanges. Third-party ad networks and exchange providers may gather information via third-party cookies, web beacons, or other similar technologies. They may also gather your device identification, IP address, or another identifier in order to target you with advertisements (IDFA). The information collected by these third parties may be used to help us provide you with more relevant advertising on our sites or elsewhere on the internet, as well as for other purposes as indicated above. The privacy policies of third parties apply to their cookies.


At Yuppieyo, we take our obligations for animal welfare protection very seriously. The Pets category aims to assist individuals in locating suitable, loving, and secure homes for their pets. Please abide by the following regulations when putting an ad on Yuppieyo to safeguard animal welfare and obey UK law:

  • Members are permitted two rehoming advertisements per year. Ads that surpass this threshold may be deleted. Note: A litter may be included in a single ad so long as all individuals are pictured. Multiple litters from separate parents or born at different periods are prohibited from being included in the same advertisement.
  • All pets must be posted on Yuppieyo with a price. Pet "swapping" is also illegal.
  • Pet Wanted advertisements are prohibited.
  • Pets are for life . Therefore, we prohibit the advertising of animals as Christmas gifts, Easter gifts, Valentine's Day gifts, etc.
  • We discourage reproduction on Yuppieyo. No stud or breeding services are permitted. Similarly, animals cannot be sold for breeding reasons or if they are pregnant.
  • Litters cannot be marketed before their birth. This consists of hatching eggs.
  • Dogs, cats, and other animals may not be sold before 8 weeks of age. They may be advertised prior to 8 weeks as long as the ad specifies that they will not be rehomed until they reach 8 weeks of age.
  • Prior to sale, all dogs older than 8 weeks must be microchipped.
  • All advertisements for pets must include a photograph of the particular animal being offered. If selling a litter, each animal must be depicted in the advertisement, either collectively or individually. Lost/found advertisements are excluded from this rule.
  • Puppies, kittens, and other litters of mammals must contain a photo of the mother and litter (preferably suckling mum). Ads that are reported to violate this policy will be deleted.
  • Yuppieyo prohibits advertisements that offer shipment or delivery of animals. Animals may only be sold locally so that transactions may take place in person and animal welfare can be guaranteed. Likewise, gathering at a third-party site is prohibited for the same reason.
  • Imported animals are not permitted. This includes animals rescued from abroad.
  • Animals may under no circumstances be sold for use in fights.

On Yuppieyo, certain sorts of pets are not authorised. In addition to our list of prohibited animals, please do not post pets that fall under any of the following restrictions:

  • It is prohibited to sell dogs with docked tails, cropped/clipped ears, or tacked eyes. These services are similarly prohibited. Eye tacking is approved in breeds prone to entropion, including Shar Peis.
  • Cats with declawed paws and birds with clipped wings are prohibited from being sold. These services are similarly prohibited.
  • The Pets category of Yuppieyo is for pets exclusively. We prohibit the selling of hunting and working dogs.
  • Yuppieyo prohibits the selling of live or frozen animals for feeder purposes (i.e., mice to be fed to snakes).
  • Yuppieyo prohibits the selling of animals whose ownership requires a licence under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 (

Vehicle  Scams


Yuppieyo is a fantastic platform for buying and selling autos. However, like with any internet purchase or sale, it's critical to approach with caution. Along with the usual scam red flags, there are a few extra things to keep an eye out for when purchasing second-hand vehicles.


Examine the Vehicle


It's always a good idea to inspect any second-hand item before purchasing it. You might also request that the seller meet you at a mechanic's shop for a professional inspection. Be wary if the vendor claims you won't be able to check the vehicle for any reason (particularly if they claim it's in a remote place).


Take the vehicle for a spin


Test drives are an essential component of the car-buying process. If you feel uncomfortable with the situation at any point, don't be scared to leave.


If you're going to test drive a vehicle, make sure someone knows where you're going and who you'll be with. Bring a friend or family member with you if possible.


When selling a car, make sure you get the buyer's driver's licence and evidence of insurance. If everything seems good, go for the test drive with the buyers. Tell someone who you'll be driving with and when you'll return.


Look into the vehicle's past.


It is best to conduct your own history check so that you can examine all of a vehicle's facts. We recommend Get vehicle information from DVLA - GOV.UK (


Be Cautious of Escrow Services


Yuppieyo does not provide any type of escrow service. It is a scam if a seller says that their vehicle is in escrow with us. Please do not send any money. Please be aware that any invoices or PayPal communications sent to you in connection with this escrow service are not genuine. If a seller makes these statements, contact us straight away.


Avoiding Discrimination

Fairness is something that everyone desires and deserves. The Equalities Act of 2010 protects our rights in the United Kingdom, ensuring that we all have equal access to employment, public and private services.

It's critical that your ad respects the law when you post it on Yuppieyo. You must compose your advertisements in such a way that they do not discriminate against anyone based on their age, handicap, gender, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

Know Your Responsibilities and Rights

With this wonderful online tool from the Equality and Human Rights Commission,  you can easily bring the spirit and the letter of the law to your posts. Whether you're posting or responding, it can help you discover the answers you need in practically every situation. Plus, it's completely free.

Report an Ad

We rely on our community at Yuppieyo to keep things running smoothly. You can help by reporting an advertisement that you'd want us to look into. We'll collaborate with the owner to ensure that everything is in order.

Refund policy

You must email us in order to get a refund at

We do not refund you for items bought.

We will only refund you for Upgrades made to your posts on

You are entitled to a refund only if :

  • Your ad has not been “ Featured”, Bump Up”,” Top”, or “ Featured & Top “ after you contacted us via email, within 48 hours.
  • Your Ad has not been “ Featured”, Bump Up”,” Top”, or “ Featured & Top “ for the total of time that it was set.
  • If you have been charged twice, under specific circumstances.

Please send us an email to if you have any questions.